The Work From Home Survival Guide


As the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic sweeps across the world, many companies are opting for a remote work solution. If you don’t usually work from home, it might feel overwhelming and a bit uncomfortable at first, but have no fear! Many people over the years have switched to full-time remote jobs. There are plenty of tips for working at home effectively that will help make this transition a breeze.

Online work from home can pose its challenges. However, with our work-from-home survival guide, you’ll have all the tools you need to make this transition a smooth one!

Prepare for Long Hours at the Computer When You Work from Home

Remote jobs online can be a great solution for the temporary closure of physical offices. Still, don’t forget you’ll need proper eye protection for the additional time spent at the computer. The blue light that comes from screens is known to cause damage to your vision. That’s why blue light blocking glasses are going to be the key to success. Not to mention, a new pair of stylish designer frames could be just the motivation you’re missing to get back to work. Use SmartBuyGlasses virtual try-on technology to find your perfect pair of sunglasses online today.

Computer glasses can greatly improve your eye health when working long hours at the computer, but it is still important to maintain a proper distance from your computer screen (roughly 50-100cm if you’re wondering what that is!). Additionally, take necessary breaks to avoid eye strain. It is recommended you get at least 5 minutes away from the screen for every hour you work. Taking breaks is important for your mental and physical health as well. Stand up and do some stretching, or head outside for some fresh air and sun! 

Work from Home Office Workspace

Never underestimate the difference wall decor can do to improve your home workspace. House plants, homemade crafts, and picture frames have the power to completely lift the mood of your home office workspace. If you don’t have an at-home office, no problem! There are plenty of perks to having a minimalist workspace, and creating it yourself can be great fun. 

You can set up your home office almost anywhere, but keep in mind you will need adequate privacy, proper airflow, and the right office equipment. Consider setting up with a high backed chair to maintain good posture throughout the day and a desk or table that is adjusted to your height. Make sure there are power outlets nearby. Finally, having the right lighting can help you avoid eye strain

Communication is Key 

While working from home, remember to continue communicating with your coworkers to guarantee a smooth workflow within your team. While it can be easy to get wrapped up in what you’re doing, always try to check in regularly and give updates about where you are in the work process. 

Just as internal communication is important for a successful operation, maintaining external communication is really important for good mental health. When the time allows for it, remember to socialize with those in your house or virtually with your coworkers. Avoiding distractions when working from home is important, but it is essential to allow yourself to also have a chat and a laugh too.


Things to Avoid When You Work from Home

Some of the most useful working from home advice includes knowing what to avoid during your transition period. Here is a list of things to keep in mind when you begin your temporary remote job:

  • Unclear Boundaries

Now that you’ll be working and living in the same space, it’s important to be strict with your work hours and your free time. Make it clear to others and yourself that your work hours are a time to focus on the tasks at hand, while free time is for doing what you like. Why not try turning off email or work notifications during non-working hours? Don’t get into the habit of working at the dinner table or making personal calls during your work hours. Keeping your home life and work-life separate can be difficult when the physical boundaries are being meshed, but it is the key to having a successful online job from home.

  • Inconsistent Work Hours

A great step to ensuring your boundaries are clear is to set a daily work schedule and stick to it! Getting into this habit will communicate to your brain the difference between work and private life so you can begin to focus when necessary, and likewise, take a break when you need it. Just because you can work from home all the time now, doesn’t mean you should! Know your limits and keep a regular schedule. 

  • Lounging 

“Lounging” around the house could be the biggest pitfall in your productivity. Getting dressed as if you were headed to the office can signal to your brain that it’s time to work. Likewise, putting your relaxing clothes on when the day is over will help bring both your mind and your body away from the computer for the day. Consider ordering a new pair of Gucci frames or a trendy pair of glasses from SmartBuyGlasses’ Arise collection to prepare for any webcam work meetings or just to get you feeling good and ready for the day!


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