GoodBoyGlasses: Prescription Glasses for Pets


Soon pets may face a ruff time being called ‘four-eyes’, as research suggests your pet may need vision correction.

Just what the Vet ordered

GoodBoyGlasses is the new line of corrective glasses and sunglasses specially made for pets, by online eyewear retailer, SmartBuyGlasses. Their new line of pet-specs will give your pets all the UV-protection they need, with an accurate pup-scription to help them see beyond the ends of their noses.

Dogs especially don’t see as well as we previously thought. Concrete research is yet to be made available, as trying to get dogs to bark out the letters in a sight-test has proven to be a tricky task. Nevertheless, many pets do begin to lose their sight with age, so a pair of prescription glasses might just be what the vet ordered. For example, if dogs drove cars they would have about 20/50 vision, meaning they would have their license taken away for being a dog.

The collection is available in one shade of Gray, to accommodate your pet’s color blindness.  Also, the sizes range from Cat to Dog as having any other kind of pet is bizarre- sorry, Iguana-owners.  

The most popular styles in the collection are the ‘Doggogoggles’ and the ‘Cat-Eye’. The Doggogoggles are designed to withstand heavy chewing and come with an integrated Bluetooth tracker – perfect for dogs who love to dig in the yard. The Cat-Eye turns Le Chat to chic with its sleek edges and aloof demeanor, making it a favorite amongst cat-lovers.  





The GoodBoyGlasses collection is ready for pre-order and will be shipped out 1st April 2019. Delivery is not guaranteed… April Fools 😉


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