SPY goggles: Doom & Bravo w/ Lock Steady™ lens

doom bravo lock steady lens

Gear up for the slopes this winter with SPY goggles

SPY goggles recently released two new models, namely the Doom and the Bravo model. These two models are famous for their Lock Steady lens system which allows you to quickly switch out lenses at the touch of a button. Yep – that means no need to worry about changing weather conditions or fingerprint smudging. Perfect for all ski lovers out there!

Don’t believe me? Check out the video below to see for yourself. Just a heads up, it’s a bit… strange. We appreciate your creativity SPY but what were you thinking with this one?

[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypq398OReeU[/embedyt]

SPY optics released the Doom model first, which features a wide, rimless lens face for maximum peripheral vision. The model became so popular that SPY decided to create the Bravo, which has the same lens technology as the Doom but is slightly smaller. SPY wanted to create a model that was more suitable for petite face types, like for younger riders and women, and that’s where the Bravo comes in.

Both the Doom and Bravo model have the Lock Steady feature so that you can quickly switch out you lenses at the touch of a button. Both models compliment SPY optics Happy Lens.

SPY Doom Goggles

SPY goggles
Check out the SPY Doom and 16 other colour options to find your favorite colour that makes you stand out in the mountains this winter.

SPY Bravo Goggles

SPY goggles


Check out the SPY Bravo and 8 other colour combinations.

If you love to spend your days on the slopes and in the snow, you need to have a go-to pair of goggles suitable for any weather conditions. SPY goggles has some of the best lens technology and SmartBuyGlasses has all of the latest models. Grab a pair and get out there!


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