Accessories for men


Pinky rings in some places on this little blueberry of a planet means that the wearer has killed a man. Knowing this, I never mock a man in jewelry. I find that is the best policy. Some accessories (pinky ring aside) do fit men better than others. For example, if Harrison Ford was wearing a pearl necklace I doubt people would mock him, considering he is freakin’ Hans Solo and all. But we’d prefer to see him in nice Serengeti sunglasses and driving gloves with possibly one, but not two, earrings in simple diamond studs a la Kanye West. Another great accessory for men are cufflinks, which really add a lot and prove a man has attention to detail and is fashion focused (at least to the acceptable male level). Cufflinks are also another rare opportunity to spice up a suit. Women have so much variety while men’s suits are fairly limited to ties and cufflinks in terms of expression yourself. Ties are the traditional (sometimes overdone) method of expression while cufflinks are the more refined one. Especially given the wealth of information you can display with cufflinks, like a country flag, or military unit, or royal auto club logo and so on. You can even get custom-made cufflinks so you can have your wife or mistress’ face on them. Though that’d be tacky. Finally, men’s casual outfits can be innovated with shoes and wallets, though admittedly these are less exciting accessories than sunglasses and cufflinks. Getting something that is both creative and functional and yet not juvenile is difficult, but think unique and keep trying new things and your mandrobe will end up awesome.


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