What Fall Means for Eye Health


Spring and fall are hell for people affected by allergies. You’ll find itchy eyes, a higher probability of contracting an illness, and of course moods change with the seasons so you’ll find some grouchy grumps on the subways and buses around town. Still, you’ll see more people leaving their Tom Fords at home, which is a dangerous thing to neglect even in fall. You’ll find people over hydrating with eye drops, and you’ll see people cleaning their lenses on rough, fall fabrics. All of these negative practices affect your eye health all autumn long.

First, autumn is one of the worst seasons for going without sunglasses. The tree are losing their leaves and that means the sun is more blinding and flashing than ever. You’ll be more affected by the sun in fall than in summer, when you are wary of sun and when it’s high in the sky and thus less likely to flash or reflect of metals directly into your eyes. Prolonged exposure to flashing lights can lead to headaches, but more importantly if you keep it up you’ll find lasting eye damage a result of ingoing your shades.

Second, hydrating your eyes is important when the weather shifts to dry and to some degree eye drops are one way to mitigate the discomfort. At the same time, your body will naturally adapt if you allow it to. So, over hydrating signals your body not to adapt and your dry eye will get worse as fall turns to winter if you over use the eye drops now.

If you’re a contact lens wearers should be careful to ensure that they take great care of their lenses as with all of this stuff in the air, it’s easy to damage your lenses.


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