How to Take Care of your Eyes during the Summer

eye care

“Eyes are the mirror of the soul” – they say – so why wouldn’t you take care of them? Let’s be more practical; your eyes are beautiful in every shape and colour, they are your secret weapon, you can do (and see) wonders with your eyes and therefore eye care has to be an essential part of your daily routine 😉

Summer season and hot weather can take a toll on your eyes if you do not protect them properly. You can find some useful tips to adopt for summer eye care during the warm months below.


Sunscreen lotions for the face are usually  formulated differently than those for the body, but you can also use the same if you don’t already have two different ones. However, there are specific lotions made just for your eyes, as it is extremely important to protect the area as well as your eyelid (trust me, getting your eyelid burnt is definitely not nice!) when you are not wearing sunglasses. You should always clean your hands before applying products on your eyes, however this is not always possible on a beach so let’s all thank cosmetics companies which created an eye sunscreen stick! The best solution hygienically speaking and you can carry it in your bag anytime without worrying about finding lotion on all your stuff!
eye care
Instagram: @okfarms


Our favourite one! While we understand that sometimes you just want a uniform tan and not looking like a panda, glasses are still the best way to protect your eyes. Never save money when it comes to your health and avoid that 10-dollar pair of sunnies. Make sure you always buy glasses with complete protection against both UVA and UVB rays and who said you have to splurge? Visit our website to find the best deals for this summer and have stylish glasses with great ultraviolet protection! No panda faces? We have a solution for this too! Avoid over sized and round glasses and go for Cat Eye style or Wayfarer.
sunglasses summer

Eat for Your Eyes and Drink Water

It is not about carrots only!  There are many foods you can eat to keep your eyes healthy and the good news is that it is not only boring and plain veggies. In fact, during the summer you can enjoy the freshness and sweetness of apricots, which are actually way better than carrots for keeping your sigh as well as being high in vitamin A, C and E (summer tip: they are also high in beta carotene so great for your tan!). Salmon and avocado are also a fresh idea and they will provide you with omega 3 and healthy fats helping to prevent dry eyes. Dehydration is indeed a common problem during the summer and it can affect your vision as well. Drinking at least 2L of water every day can help with this, as well as providing fluid for normal eye function. Sweet tooth? Check our video on how to prepare this yummy blueberry smoothie packed with healthy and delicious ingredients!
eye care food
Instagram: @cookwithruthie

Eye Mask

I am sure the picture you have in mind right now is someone lying down with two huge cucumber slices on your eyes. No doubts it is a great remedy mask to give freshness to your eyes as well as reducing dark circles, but everyone knows about this one and we want you to try new ones!

  • Aloe Vera, Egg White & Carrot Mask: in case you did not follow our first tip, aloe vera is great after a sunburned and it calms redness and irritation. Egg white and carrots will soften the skin around your eyes. Just combine the three ingredients in a mixer, apply around your eyes and leave it on for 20 minutes. Rinse it off with cool water and your eyes will be thankful!
  • Green Tea, Potato & Sweet Almond Oil: Yes, sorry, potato slices will take the place of the cucumber’s. Boil green tea, add a few drops of almond oil to it and soak the potato slices in the green tea. After putting it in the fridge for 5 minutes, apply the slices over your eyes for 20 minutes. Green tea is the perfect antioxidant and almond oil will nourish your eyelid after a day on the beach. Potatoes contain a brightening agent so you will be ready to shine at night! 😉

eye care mask

You can find more useful tips on how to take care of your eyes on our YouTube Channel here. Enjoy your summer, have a great time and… use your eye-magination 😉


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